"Learning from Recent British IL models: A report to ACRL's Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Task Force" is a comprehensive analysis of four recent UK IL models, oulining prevalent or innovative concepts and comparing them to the ACRL standards. The report has been compiled by Justine Martin of Minnesota State University, USA. Justine visited the UK last year and travelled around interviewing folks who had been involved with the four models (ANCIL, SCONULs 7 Pillars, Scottish IL framework, Welsh IL framework).
I spent a fascinating day with Justine, talking, of course, mainly about the Seven Pillars, the way it had been created and the thinking behind it and it's interesting to see how our conversations fed into her research. By drawing together information from all four initiatives, Justine has been able to emphasise some of the strengths of each of the approaches, highlighting congruencies and trends and analysing some of the key elements.
Justine has also undertaken a useful mapping exercise, included as an appendix, mapping some of the British models to the learning outcomes of the ACRL standards.
Her report is very comprehensive and well worth reading, all 51 pages! If that sounds like too much, she's hoping to publish it as a journal article in the coming months, so watch out for that too.
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